Whether commissioned as the initial phase of our project lifecycle or as a separate and free-standing commission to enable you to explore the feasibility and practicality of your ambitions or your project, S9S-Solution can work with you to produce a documented project blueprint.
The specification process delivers more than just a tightly defined, clearly specified statement of the scope, functionality, structure and presentation of a future project. Building a complex e-business solution requires detailed, unambiguous planning and clear documentation that provides guidance and a road-map for the technical and design members of a development team. To achieve the right result for you, S9S-Solution always work closely with you, providing the support and expertise you require at every stage. We are also committed to helping you to understand the decisions and actions involved in creating the right solution for your company.

Your input is vital. Your time taken to explain your processes and systems, and even your organizational culture, as this information will help to shape our understanding of your business, and inform our ability to maximize your investment.
You explanation of your long-term plans and strategy will help us to make sure that any initial development provides an appropriate platform on which subsequent developments can be built. Wherever you’re heading, we’ll make sure your application is the right place to start and your blueprint provides a route map to success.

Application Design
S9S-Solution technical teams have all the programming skills that you would expect of one of the Malaysia’s longest established providers of bespoke programming for web interactivity and e-business applications. Skilled in a variety of languages (including Perl, ASP, Java, JSP, Visual Basic, and C++), we appreciate that the real skill lies not just in picking the most appropriate tool for the job, but also in making the technology fit the task and not vice-versa.
Key to this is the time that we always invest in analyzing your business and its needs. Whether you wish to build a simple web presence, a complex dynamic portal, an e-commerce application, or an intranet that integrates with your internal processes and procedures, we take the time to discuss your current and planned operations and technology platforms with you, and to prepare functional requirement documents for your verification and approval.
Our business analysis and technical teams are focused on designing and delivering usable solutions, not merely developing systems. As well as a production ethic that promotes an all-encompassing approach to systems design, we put significant emphasis on delivering administrable and extensible solutions. We believe – and your management accountants will no doubt concur – that your corporate application is an investment, not a continuing liability.
Content Management
As web sites become an integral part of the daily operations of many organizations, the ability to control, manage and update their content has become correspondingly important; after all, information is the greatest asset of any business.
S9S-Solution’s Content Management solutions allow organizations to manage the flow of news items, press releases, production information, current promotions and much more than browser-based administration facilities, that means, once created and launched, the content and shape of the web site stays within the organization’s control.
And our content management solutions don’t stop at adding, editing and deleting pages. We can support systems that handle multiple data types (text, graphics, Flash animations, PDF documents, audio files and much more).

Content editing facilities are linked to multi-level user access systems to control authorization over the editing, approval and publishing of information. Content can be scheduled for publication, or archived to ensure synchronization with major events or product promotions. If different forms of presentation are required, a choice of presentation templates can be included.
Web display can also be personalized by integrating user registration and preference recording into the overall content management solution, allowing each user to see the content most relevant to them; where required, user tracking can use this information to support other activities, such as email marketing. Critical updates can be notified to registered users automatically, with full control over message content, ensuring the site serves to help generate its own traffic as an integral part of the publishing process. Interactive elements can allow customers to submit content for review and approval, and to create their own personal workspace within your website.
The full range of facilities we can include depends on your requirements and ambitions, but these can scale to include support for multiple languages and integration of multiple sites within a single content management solution. The investment you make in content management need only reflect the value of your most important resource.

Database Integration
E-business means more than on-line selling – although of course we can help you handle that. Web sites can support many transactions beyond simply the financial. S9S-Solution can plumb your new premises with technologies that let you manage business relationships and provide services, 24 hours a day and across the world. With database and system integration, your web premises can boast the very latest in modern conveniences.
Unlike traditional media, the web is a two-way channel. With database integration and interactivity, your web site visitors can interact directly with your company – not just with your web site. By linking to database systems, customers can search through detailed information about your products and services, place and track orders, and much more. They can also update your own records about them, their interests and the history of your dealings with them. And your site can use this information to tailor their view on their next visit – and keep you informed of how best to meet their requirements in the future.